Virtual Staging Process

How Long Does the Virtual Staging Process Take?

When it comes to staging a property, virtual staging is the preferred choice, compared to actual staging. It frees you from the stress, associated with actual staging, and is a much more affordable option for customers. When using virtual staging, all you have to do is upload several photos of the room or property, and explain what style you prefer. In most cases, you will have your staged interiors ready in 3-5 days.

How Virtual Staging Works?

Virtual staging helps potential buyers picture themselves living in the home. It makes the space more welcoming, by changing the property’s décor and furnishing. Virtual staging is especially useful for companies, listing several apartments in the same building. Without virtual staging, different apartments may blend.

When you use virtual staging software when putting a property for sale, you help the potential buyer build an emotional connection with the space. This directly affects the client’s subconscious mind, making him want to buy the house/apartment. Virtual staging helps you present the property to its full potential!

It has been proven that virtual staging can reduce the cost of staging by up to 97 %! What is more, consulting a specialist in virtual staging is absolutely free! Researches show that 81 % of prospects visualize themselves living in the property easier if the property is staged. However, the actual staging of a property can cost several thousand dollars, while you can get the same results with virtual staging, coming at a price of $100-$500.

It is interesting to know that staged properties sell/rent 73 % faster than those that are not staged. If you are putting a property for sale/ rent, you must have it staged!

Potential buyers of your property could see what it would look like if they bought it. Designers use their weapons and act professionally. The exact location and position of each small detail give a feeling of completeness and reality. The virtual staging gives them the opportunity to try different options until they get to the best one.

Then they present it to the customers and they have the last word. Statistics show that properties that have a virtual presentation find their new owners much easier. Technology is advancing these days. The software helps interior designers.

Back in time, architects and interior designers also made models of buildings and premises. But then they painted them by hand and it took a really long time. The painting could take from a few weeks to 2-3 months. Today, this waste is significantly reduced thanks to the technologies they use.

How Much Time Does Virtual Staging Require?

Did you know that an average home can be staged in about 8 hours or less? If your house is not occupied, it is best to contact a staging company at least 2-3 weeks before listing.

However, if someone lives there and needs their room done up for sale too – the time frame will vary depending on what they want from a virtual staging company. In most cases, virtual staging companies complete the staging process for 3-5 days. Some of the companies offer free revision options.

Virtual staging offers really great advantages. It saves time and helps you decide how to proceed. In any case, it will help you sell your property very quickly. And even if you do not want to sell it, but only to repair and renovate it, you still need a virtual production. Surely an experienced designer will offer great ideas and show them to you through this method of presentation.

Repair or renovation – get a virtual staging. You would certainly accept a positively visualized version of your home. You could see what it would look like if it underwent adjustments and changes. Interior designers handle programs skillfully. They make up some wonderful potential arrangements of spaces. They put in its place even the smallest detail and the whole picture has a completely finished look.

The advice to all who plan to sell their property – hire a visual designer. Don’t skimp on this service because it will be guaranteed back. With its help, you will present your property in the best way to potential buyers. You will increase your chances of finding a buyer quickly and you will save time and effort.

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