How To Clean White Shoes That Turned Yellow

How To Clean White Shoes That Turned Yellow: Easy Tips 2023

White shoes are stylish and essential but can turn yellow over time. This can happen for many reasons, like being in the sun, sweating, or being dirty. In this article, we will read easy tips on how to clean white shoes that turned yellow.

Why do white shoes turn yellow?

Knowing why they turn yellow is essential before discussing how to clean white shoes. Several things can cause this coloring, including:

Dirt and grime: 

Wearing your shoes daily can cause soil and grime to build up, making them yellow over time.


If your white cloth or leather shoes are left in the sun for a long time without enough protection, they may turn yellow.


Sweat has natural oils and salts that can cause your shoes to turn yellow, especially in the heel and lining.


Leaving white shoes in a wet place can cause mold to grow and cause them to turn yellow.

Tips How To Clean White Shoes That Turned Yellow:

Baking soda and vinegar

Baking soda and vinegar is a popular way to clean white shoes that works well. Just mix baking soda and vinegar in equal amounts to make a paste. Apply the paste to the spots on the shoes that have turned yellow, and let it sit for 30 minutes. Then, use a toothbrush to remove the paste, and rinse the shoes with water.

How To Clean White Shoes That Turned Yellow Using Vinegar Paste

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a bleaching agent that can be used to get rid of yellow spots. Mix one part hydrogen peroxide with two parts water, then use a sponge or cloth to apply the solution to the shoes. Let the solution sit for 30 minutes, and then rinse the boots with water.

Salt and hot water

Salt helps get rid of dirt and oil, making things look yellow. Mix one tablespoon of salt with one cup of hot water, and let the shoes soak in the mix for 30 minutes. Then, use a toothbrush to scrub the boots and rinse them with water. It is a simple way to clean white shoes that turn yellow.

Magic Eraser 

Magic Erasers are sponges that can clean dirt, marks, and scuffs from many surfaces. White shoes can also be cleaned with them. Just wet the Magic Eraser and scrub the shoes where they have turned yellow.

How To Clean White Shoes That Turned Yellow Using Magic Eraser

Using Lemon

Lemon can also be used as a natural cleaning agent to clean white shoes that turn yellow. The citric acid in lemon juice can help break down stains and brighten the material.

Here’s how to clean white shoes that turned yellow using lemon:

To clean white shoes that turned yellow using lemon:

  • Mix lemon juice and water.
  • Remove shoelaces.
  • Dry brush to remove dirt.
  • Apply lemon juice solution and scrub.
  • Let it sit for 10-15 minutes.
  • Rinse with water.
  • Optional: Sun exposure for whitening.
  • Dry and re-lace for refreshed shoes.
How To Clean White Shoes That Turned Yellow Using Lemon

White shoe cleaner

You can buy many products to clean white shoes that turned yellow. These cleaners are made to remove yellow spots and make white shoes look white again.

If the yellow spots are wrong, you should try multiple ways to eliminate them. Make sure to test any cleaning solution on a small part of the shoe that won’t be seen to ensure it won’t hurt the material.

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Using Toothpaste

To clean white shoes that turned yellow with toothpaste, remove the laces, use white non-gel toothpaste, and gently scrub stains with an old toothbrush or cloth. Leave the toothpaste for a few minutes, rinse well with water, let them air dry, and re-lace for refreshed shoes.

How To Clean White Shoes That Turned Yellow Using Toothpaste

more tips on how to clean white shoes that turned yellow:

  1. It would help if you cleaned your shoes often to keep stains from setting in.
  2. Please don’t wear your white shoes when it’s wet or messy.
  3. After you wear your shoes, could you give them a good drying?
  4. Keep your shoes somewhere cool and dry.
  5. Don’t use strong chemicals or abrasive cleaners on your shoes because they can damage the material.
  6. When you scrub the shoes, be careful not to hurt the fabric or leather.
  7. Rinse the shoes well after cleaning them to remove any soap or cleaning solution that might still be on them.
  8. Let the shoes fully dry out in the air before putting them on again.
  9. You can keep your white shoes looking bright and white for many years with some care and attention.
  10. Cleaning white shoes that have turned yellow is easy but takes time and work. With the right tools and methods, you can get your white shoes back to how they used to look and keep them looking clean for longer. Follow these steps and take precautions to keep your white shoes in great shape.
  11. Using these tips and tricks, you can get clean white shoes that turn yellow.
How To Clean White Shoes That Turned Yellow Using Detergent and White Vinegar Solution

FAQs Related How To Clean White Shoes That Turned Yellow

1. How can I clean my white shoes without damaging them?

You can clean white shoes without damaging them using mild detergent, a soft brush, and water. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that can harm the shoe’s material.

2. Can I clean my white shoes in a washing machine?

It’s generally not recommended to clean white shoes in a washing machine, as the agitator and harsh washing cycle can damage the shoes. Hand cleaning is a safer method.

3. Can I use bleach to whiten my white shoes?

Using bleach is not recommended for cleaning white shoes, as it can weaken the shoe’s fabric and cause yellowing. Opt for milder cleaning solutions like vinegar, baking soda, or lemon juice.

4. Is it safe to use toothpaste to clean white shoes?

Toothpaste can be used to clean white shoes, but it’s essential to choose a white, non-gel toothpaste and test it on a small area first to ensure it doesn’t harm the material. Be gentle when scrubbing.

5. How do I dry my white shoes after cleaning?

After cleaning, stuff your shoes with paper towels or newspaper to help them maintain their shape. Let them air dry at room temperature. Avoid direct heat sources like a hairdryer, as they can damage the material.

6. Can I use the same method to clean white canvas and leather shoes?

Canvas and leather shoes may require slightly different cleaning methods. For canvas, you can use mild detergent and water. For leather, use a leather-specific cleaner and conditioner to avoid damaging the material.

7. Can I bleach white shoes to make them whiter?

Bleaching white shoes is not recommended, as it can damage the shoe material and cause further yellowing. Stick to safer cleaning methods using mild detergents or natural cleaning agents.

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